Triskel Inc

IBC 2012 Award Ceremony

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Bloomberg FIMS implementation powered by Triskel products and frameworks received the IBC Innovation award.

IBC2012 Judges’ Prize

The team of international editors and consultants who judge the IBC Innovation Awards chose to honour FIMS, the Framework for Interoperable Media Services. This collaboration led by the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), jumpstarted the process of agreeing file exchange standardisation, vital if the real benefits of file-based workflows are to be realised.

AMWA and EBU brought together virtually all the manufacturers in the sector, and many of the major broadcasters. They rapidly developed the first version of the specification, released earlier this year, and the first implementations of FIMS-based technologies are on air, with Bloomberg Television and its technology partner Triskel. Bloomberg estimates that the development of a new workflow has fallen from six weeks to three days thanks to FIMS.

For its broad collaboration to address an issue that was limiting the development of broadcast operations, FIMS took the IBC2012 Judges’ Prize. It was accepted on stage by Brad Gilmer of AMWA, Jean-Pierre Evain of EBU and Roman Mackiewicz of Bloomberg.

Original Story:

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